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Google Chrome’s New Avatar Will Soon Appear

Google Chrome is going to change its logo. However, the people have not changed much. The new icon will soon be visible on people’s devices. This is the first change in the logo in the last 8 years.

Washington: It is said that change is the law of nature. Animals, human beings, the earth, whether technology is not untouched by this. One such change is going to be visible on Google Chrome. Google Chrome is going to change its logo after the year 2014. Designer Elvin Hu, who works for Chrome, shared a picture of the new logo on his Twitter handle.

Make the blue circle brighter and bigger

According to the news published in our partner website Vion, Alvin tweeted that we are refreshing Chrome’s brand icon for the first time in 8 years. The new icon will soon be visible on your device. In the new logo, the three colors – red, yellow and green – are just flat and have no shadow. Also, the blue circle in the middle looks bigger and brighter.

Will work better in every OS

He mentioned on his Twitter that putting the colors green and red next to each other gives a strange feeling, so the team created such a design for the man icon. The team has made it specifically for the operating system, which means it will look more colorful than other icons. However, the logo will appear small on the Make operating system.

All facilities will be available

It has been specially designed for Windows 10 and 11. In such a situation, this icon will look better in these variants. Explaining the reason behind the change, Alvin said that you may ask, how is it suitable? In such a situation, would like to say that it has been prepared for all types of operating systems. It comes with native window occlusion on Windows, Day-One M1 support on Mac OS, Widgets on iOS/Android and Material U on Android. We want our brand to maintain its status quo.

Memes started doing rounds on social media

However, after the news of the change in the logo of Chrome, many reactions have started coming on social media. On this, memes are being prepared by people and uploaded on social media. Netizens believe that there is no difference between the old and the new logo.

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